B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby eXtr33m » 04.27.11

b3 ggone the end of the world is coming! :)
To add my little help -> the !nextmap isnt working for me. strange
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby Varus » 04.29.11

eXtr33m wrote:lol
b3 ggone the end of the world is coming! :)
To add my little help -> the !nextmap isnt working for me. strange

Oooooh it is my favourite funktion with -> !nextmap (KP_LEFTARROW) is my most printed button.

I always print habit on the button, but the pm say: you have no rights here :o :)
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby Unclefragger » 04.29.11

Just checked out b3 1.5, the parsers didn't change a lot (if at all, at least the part that concerns me is still 1:1)
still just two lines edited and only one argument added ;)

couldn't test it out yet since I don't have the luxury of my little dev server right now but should work as before (kickmessages that is)

just replace it with the original in b3/parsers/iourt41.py (modified version is attached and packed due to nazy non .py restrictions :P)
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby SteveMcqueen » 04.29.11

weis nich obs am b3 update liegt, aber hatte heute schlechte hitz wie LANGE nicht mehr

netgraph sauber und stabile fps, aber alle sind nur mit lag umgefallen, trotz normalem ping....

Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 04.29.11

Problem mit der Badehose, sry. :D
@ucf/kick --> hm, i put the standalone there. dunno what to do... x^
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby SteveMcqueen » 04.29.11

souljah ergings genau gleich, problem war da.

bin kein bademeister.

Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 04.30.11

Der b3 selbst kann den Gameserver nicht zum stottern bringen, wäre mir jedenfalls neu.
Er hängt einfach am log.
Natürlich braucht er ansonsten auch selbst Resourcen. Ist aber vernachlässigbar (~12MB Ram und 1-2% eines Kerns).
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby BEH » 04.30.11

hey um.. today I noticed !translast command doesnt work. Well at least not for me it did.
Not that it's a real important feature but sometimes it's useful. Could someone verify this?
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby Raziel » 04.30.11

!change command does care on teamcount now, so you can't change to the other team if they are loosing only because they are one more... bad though
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Re: B3 Update [ALL Servers, --> V.1.50]

Postby wurst » 05.02.11

update environment

B3 now runs on the old Python 2.7, theres separate python "folders" for each bot.
bot run on all servers, even on jump :)
the b3 is now again standard, not standalone. files are in the old places.
knife plugins are back.
however, not everything is working. mumbleswitcher still returns socket errors, change need 2 players, !admin dont reach the IRC...

kickreason- urt- parser will be exchanged next days in the morning when u all lazy gamers still lay in bed...

update2 (update extraadmin)
extraadmin plugin for Big Brother Bot (http://www.bigbrotherbot.com)

By Beber888


This plugin as been made to add new functions to the bot.
- !change (change teams betweens 2 peoples or 1 people and the person that tell the command) Level 40
- !afk (speak to afk player and if he don't reply, he's forced spectator) Level 40
- !kafk (speak to afk player and if he don't reply, he's kicked) Level 40
- !pm (when you are spectator you can send a pm to 1 player) Level 40
- !salut (To say hello in bigtext) Level 40
- !sniperonly (Call vote for sniper only mode) Level 80
- !moonmode (Call vote for sniper only mode) Level 80
- !pistolonly (Call vote for pistol only mode) Level 80
- !autonuke (To be nuked until death) Level 60
- Configure Server in a definite map, gametype if nobody or few people Auto, TDM, Turnpike on <= 2 Clients
- !Exit (Tell the name of the last player disconnect) Level 40
- Show IP of player connecting Deactivated

update3 (AUTODOC)

u know b3 auto doc?
b3 saves a html table with all commands, min level to use and little explanation.
heres forums integrated output, dynamically generated on each b3 start...


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