DSWP wiki

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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby zietsh » 07.10.12

This is what I see:
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby Zottel » 07.10.12

JRandomNoob wrote:Aha. You sure you don’t mean Pirat’s database? He was last seen coding something to replace the wiki page due to the high anality level of the wiki (page size limitations etc).

no this is an another thing!!!
my database is a complete collection of all maps for Urt!!!!
and my project is a complete collection of all COSTUM FUNSTUFF ever,
and almost complete :D :D :P :P
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby Zottel » 07.10.12

Zottel wrote:my database is a complete collection of all maps for Urt!!!!

oh i forgot ..........i have ALL MAP'S!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby JRandomNoob » 07.10.12

Zottel wrote:and my project is a complete collection of all COSTUM FUNSTUFF ever,
and almost complete :D :D :P :P
Cool. You seen this?

zietsh wrote:This is what I see:
@_@ Not good. Onkeeel, help!
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby Zottel » 07.10.12

JRandomNoob wrote: Cool. You seen this?

I've seen it, and must say, "this is not all" ..... my funstuff thing is for all players (Female; Male)!!

for example: the funstuff = blender02 only RAFIQ ; no separate for Sarah; Misu; Rafiq; Denzel ;Adala; Carla; Tom; Takeshi !!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P :P :P :P :P
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby zietsh » 07.12.12

Like I said I'd like to make something in js to give you the simple line to bind a key to a certain command example:

I want to bind enemy spotted to key x I just klick:

Commands Menu -> Radio-command Enemy Spotted -> [Enter custom-text mby with color] -> Hit button -> Output for console or config.

How I want to do this is pretty much figured out but I'm stuck at one part and that is to call the functions ?!
The output button works but not the clear button :?
So this is what it looks like:

Code: Select all
function clear()
      document.bindform.consoletext.value = "";

<input type="button" id="giveit" value="Give it!" onClick="give();" />  // <--- Works no problem here

<br /> <input type="button" id="clearit" value="Clear it!" onClick="clear();" /> // <-- Problem here but what is different ?!

(I "collect" everything in the bindform where you choose color etc. mby a bit complicated but hey until now it worked ...) I just don't want the user to reload the page every time a new bind is needed or if he wants multiple binds in a config...

PS: I'm almost a total newbi to js, but I have more less than more experience with programming so a short answer is fine :)
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby XTJ7 » 07.12.12

Do you have the rest of the code online somewhere?
Without knowing the rest, it could be all sorts of problems :)
<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
<CuntBot> XTJ7: OH YEAH !
<BEH> !8ball you lieing too?
<CuntBot> BEH: Totally not.
<BEH> -_-''
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby Unclefragger » 07.12.12

what's the purpose of the thingy you posted the snippet?

I'll check wiki asap

could you please try this page?

I don't know if registered is enough to create namespaces
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby zietsh » 07.12.12

Unclefragger wrote:what's the purpose of the thingy you posted the snippet?

I'll check wiki asap

could you please try this page?

I don't know if registered is enough to create namespaces

I get this message If I click on show pagesource:
This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong.

And for the code, I'll be on it, will post it later .
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Re: DSWP wiki

Postby Unclefragger » 07.12.12

I think I found the problem, try again please
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