omg they shrinked dswp!

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omg they shrinked dswp!

Postby wurst » 02.15.09

hey guys i locked today the forums with to 840px, still having some trouble with external graphics from [img] tag.

i didit cause mumbleviewer needs the space when theres more then 5 users...

any suggestions?
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Re: omg they shrinked dswp!

Postby Unclefragger » 02.15.09

change the player color (in mumble viewer) back to grey, right now it's somehow hard to read.
Concerning [IMG] ... either display all as a link or have them fetched by the server and then resized if they are larger then the allowed width.
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Re: omg they shrinked dswp!

Postby wurst » 02.22.09

oki now i made a table with 2 columns. in one is the forums with logo and everything, the other contain the sidebar. main column is set to 100%, sidebar is locked to the with it needs. when u have a very big monitor, ure probably able to see this post displayed in 1 line. :D
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Re: omg they shrinked dswp!

Postby Unclefragger » 02.22.09

line break at "see" ;(
need bigger screens :?
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