Display time remaining and teamsfrags in houm

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Display time remaining and teamsfrags in houm

Postby Unclefragger » 01.20.09

So you can see if a round will end soon. There is a high chance that someone is leaving after the end of a round so you could check at houm if it is going to happen soon. I do not know how you get the informations an what informations are provided that way, but if it is possible I think it would be nice ;)
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Re: Display time remaining and teamsfrags in houm

Postby wurst » 01.20.09

is that queryable via rcon?

if yes, np. else maybe difficult, dunno what the b3 can do...
for example we have no possibility to find red and blue team via rcon afaik.
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Re: Display time remaining and teamsfrags in houm

Postby SteveMcqueen » 01.21.09

Code: Select all
/say $gametime

you see the time to still play on the map, at least ingame. In this case it would print "10 minutes" for example.
$roundtime would be the time left of the round before forced respawning for round-based games.
If it were possible, it would also be a good idea to print the scores on dswp.de because timelimit does not matter when fraglimit is hit.
Dunno if that helps.

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