Join to full server?

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Join to full server?

Postby AimMe » 11.24.08

Since wurst is popular sever, it's nearly always full. So when i want to join, i have to hit refresh few minutes to enter.

Is there way that admins can always just join?
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Re: Join to full server?

Postby GhostSoul » 11.24.08

that would be "private slots" ... for these u would need a password... but the problem is we have 32 slots open, so u CANT make private slots..

we would have 2 close 2 slots and make the server for 30 players...

btw. u dont have 2 refresh, just connect, the server says its full, awaiting gamestat.. if some1 disconnect u join automaticly
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Re: Join to full server?

Postby AimMe » 11.24.08

k, tnx
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Re: Join to full server?

Postby GhostSoul » 11.25.08

no probs m8! i was born 2 help :lol:
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Re: Join to full server?

Postby wurst » 12.27.08

hm je maximum clients is 32, thats the reason theres no more slots sry...
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Re: Join to full server?

Postby Unclefragger » 12.27.08

if there is no admin online (maybe exclude ghostsoul, hes only specing all day) maybe you can make b3 kick a random player (or the last that connected, the one with the poorest ratio, whatever) so an admin can join ... dunno if you can influence b3 from the outside or if it is strictly bound to the log.
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Re: Join to full server?

Postby wurst » 12.28.08

hm or relax and be happy ure big dick on such popular server?
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