I have a problem with statistics.

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I have a problem with statistics.

Postby metod » 01.17.10


When I use "metodek" system see three accounts (all three are mine), you can see
it by my first and last logging. Could you please merge my all accounts to one,
so my stats will be ok?

First account
first logging - 14,10,2008
last logging - 01,04,2009
Secound account
first logging - 9,04,2009
last logging - 13,11,2009
Third account
first logging - 13,11,2009
last logging - 17,01,2010

Regards and waitng for your replay!
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Re: I have a problem with statistics.

Postby wurst » 01.17.10

hm sry, its not possible yet.
btw, its possible to assign another account, if u want
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Re: I have a problem with statistics.

Postby metod » 01.17.10

Thank you for your answer, but I dont understand the secound part. What do you mean by "assign another account"? So I assume that there is no way to have real statistic? Will there be merging account possibility in the future? If yes, pls tell me what could it be. Regards, Adam
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Re: I have a problem with statistics.

Postby wurst » 01.17.10

hmm, theres much data, spread over a series of tables.
a machine that just cummulate everything on your new (rematched) account is thinkable (but would mean serious work)
blinky once did it with two accounts, after 2 days he had everything (exept the skill sure) together.
the skill (and with it your ranking in the server) cant be recalculated so easily. atm its impossible, we would have to store aditional data afaik.

however, its possible to manually set another statitics user to be active for u again.
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Re: I have a problem with statistics.

Postby natirips » 01.17.10

In short: it is possible to lock an in-game-account and forum-account pair.

Everything is possible in hypothetic theory, but...
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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