Ah, me and AimMe again...

Everything technical and nerdy stuff here plz !

Ah, me and AimMe again...

Postby natirips » 01.13.10

Wurst, I know you have better things to do, but IF you catch some extra time it would be nice to have us fixed if possible. :)
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Me (member/natirips/) and AimMe (member/aimme) got mixed up (again). :(


Natirips xlr_stats.php?func=player&playerid=43963
AimMe xlr_stats.php?func=player&playerid=32686


Natirips xlr_stats_bomb.php?func=player&playerid=1824
(Wild AimMe xlr_stats_bomb.php?func=player&playerid=4185)

Real AimMe xlr_stats_bomb.php?func=player&playerid=307


Natirips xlr_stats_ts.php?func=player&playerid=31
AimMe ts-player30


As for jump, I couldn't find xlr stats, nor could I login into jump echelon, and now my jump echelon account is locked. I also noticed I cannot login into tdm echelon anymore and I have 1 login attempt left there.

But then again, jump isn't so important if we're mixed up or not.
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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