MAPPING: Radiant using

*map* *map* *map*

MAPPING: Radiant using

Postby SteveMcqueen » 04.01.09

moving the camera: camera is snap-to-grip, ctrl+g is snap-to-grid toggle btw
forward, back, turning: arrowkeys
strafing: punkt und komma
up, down: pgup, pgdn
mousewheel: forward/backward in direction of view

you can also press ctrl when being moving in the camera window!!!

when camerawindow is selected: mouse2 toggles freelook on/off
when 2d-view is selected: mouse3 moves direction of sight, ctrl+mouse3 moves camera to a new position
if camera is "fixed", try using CAPS...

2d views: change with ctrl+tab
useful to set: misc >> colors >> themes >> maya/max/lightwave ... else you have a hard time identificating what is what, or set the colors as you like.
grid width; width in units
1 1 (dont go below 1, else compile error are VERY VERY likely)
2 2
3 4
4 8 (try to use 8 as base size at least)
5 16
6 32
7 64
8 128 (that is the size of the s-shaped hallway between the bomspots in ut_train)
9 256
0 on/off

shift+x gives you a crosshair in the 2d-views

editing brushes:
mouse1 creates new brushes
shift+mouse1 selects single brushes, also in camera mode!
backspace deletes selected brushes
when selected a brush, ctrl+3 forms it into a triangle, ctrl+5 into a pentagon, numbers got from 3-9
to select several brushes, shift+mouse1 and draw your mouse over all objects, works also in the camera window or make a bigger brush that touches all brushes you need, and use the "select touching" icon from the radiant window, the one right of the axis/rotate stuff.

on the CSG tools: (substract, merge, hollow)
use them with care... making desired brushes yourself is usually way better, as the CSG tools do not work too good. you will realize this after a while...

explanation of the buttons in radiant:

Re: MAPPING: Radiant using

Postby SteveMcqueen » 04.16.09

textures aligning: surface inspector (s) for brushes and patch surface inspector (shift+s) for patch meshes.
entity menu: n
console: o (for checking compile or looking up the last worksteps)

Re: MAPPING: Radiant using

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.18.09


Re: MAPPING: Radiant using

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.18.09

using func_group:

select all you want, RMB and make the selections a func_group

if you want to select a whole group, SHIFT+LMB one part of the group, then CTRL+ALT+E

(quite different from radiant 1.4, described is the way in 1.5)

Re: MAPPING: Radiant using

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.18.09

using regions: (hides everything but the stuff currently selected)


Re: MAPPING: Radiant using

Postby SteveMcqueen » 06.26.09

ALT+numbers shows/hides different stuff. alt+6 comes in handy when looking for uncaulked surfaces

ctrl+h are hints
ctrl+p are patch meshes


for vis:
ctrl+m makes selection detail
ctrl+shift+s makes it structural

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