When r_speeds = 1, the numbers read as follows (where the # sign equals a number)
# / # shaders/surfs # leafs # verts # / # tris #.## mtex #.## dc
# / # shaders/surfs is the number of shaders in view, followec by the number of surfaces in view.
# leafs is how many leaf nodes are potentially visible.
# verts is how many vertexes are in view
# / # tris is the number of trangles drawn by the renderer in a single pass single pass followed by the number of triangles drawn by the renderer with all passes. These are the numbers that are most often implied when someone talks about "r_speeds." If the r_ext_multitexture variable is off, the numbers will reflect a more accurate accounting of the real triangle count (see multi-pass texturing section below).
# .## mtex #.## dc [definition under construction]