MAPPING: creating an own skybox

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MAPPING: creating an own skybox

Postby SteveMcqueen » 09.02.09

post is a placeholder


FOB ‎(3:24 PM):
vue is ja 10 ma einfacher und intuitiver als terragen
TheEarthIsFlat ‎(3:26 PM):
muss ich mich auch irgendwann mal mit auseinander setzen
weil skybox oder so kram
FOB ‎(3:26 PM):
fang mit vue7 an
FOB ‎(3:27 PM):
is bisher das einfachste und einleuchtendste das ich gefunden hab
Pinsel => Effekt : Fluviale Erosion
wie geil isn das

Re: MAPPING: creating an own skybox

Postby SteveMcqueen » 10.10.09

21:44.40       Biohazard[1up]: anyone use terragen for their maps?
21:46.14       @NulL`: noway, its rubbish
21:46.43       Biohazard[1up]: well, what do you use to get ur box?
21:46.47       Biohazard[1up]: er, well skybox
21:47.25       @NulL`:
21:47.46       @NulL`: ok its not complete rubbish
21:47.54       @NulL`: terragen 2 is ok
21:48.44       Biohazard[1up]: i didnt feel like using someone elses env's so i tried to make my still lost with actually getting the skybox
21:49.11       Biohazard[1up]: i made my own world, and srf, and atm file, but im not sure what to do now, thank god for tuts
21:49.27       @NulL`: you need to render out 6 images
21:49.34       @NulL`: up down left right front and back
21:49.44       @NulL`: using a 90-degree camera
21:49.57       Biohazard[1up]: ahhh
21:50.12       Biohazard[1up]: that siunds easier than i thought it was :D
21:50.13       Biohazard[1up]: thanx
21:50.16       Biohazard[1up]: sounds*
22:09.37       Biohazard[1up]: hmm, the up and down seem to be the problem for me
22:15.52       @NulL`: how so?
22:17.49       Biohazard[1up]: well,
22:17.54       Biohazard[1up]: i have 4 sides
22:18.34       Biohazard[1up]: and i have a 5th one i just made with water which i can use as my down, but...
22:18.44       Biohazard[1up]: how would i angle the camera to get a "sky"
22:20.04       @NulL`: "Camera Orientation"
22:20.12       @NulL`: head/pitch
22:20.16       @NulL`: ignore bank
22:22.19       Biohazard[1up]: umk
22:23.01       Biohazard[1up]: in the rendering tab?
22:23.26       Biohazard[1up]: haha ya nvm

Re: MAPPING: creating an own skybox

Postby natirips » 09.16.11

Apropos Terragen:

there are a few tutorials on Youtube about Terragen itself.

Anyway, when you make your scenery and you're happy with it, use the following to render your sides:

Camera global settings for skybox:
Camera settings -> Zoom -> 1,0 [this makes it a perfect 90° camera]
Image size -> 512x512 [you might use 256x256 if the quality is unimportant to you]

Camera orientation -> 0 0 0
Render image -> save -> xxx_rt.bmp

Camera orientation -> 90 0 0
Render image -> save -> xxx_ft.bmp

Camera orientation -> 180 0 0
Render image -> save -> xxx_lf.bmp

Camera orientation -> 270 0 0
Render image -> save -> xxx_bk.bmp

Camera orientation -> 0 90 0
Render image -> save -> xxx_up.bmp

Camera orientation -> 0 -90 0
Render image -> save -> xxx_dn.bmp

Convert them into .jpg and put into env/yourskybox.

As for the shader:
Code: Select all
   q3map_lightimage textures/mymap/skybox.jpg
   qer_editorimage textures/mymap/skybox.jpg
   surfaceparm noimpact
   surfaceparm nolightmap
   surfaceparm sky
   q3map_sun 1 0.98 0.4 70 0 90
   q3map_lightsubdivide 256
   q3map_surfacelight 330
   q3map_backsplash 0 0
   skyparms env/yourskybox/xxx - -

Adjust surfacelight and/or sun to your needs.

textures/mymap/skybox.jpg is the editor-only image for the skybox (just so you know that you put the right one, you can basically use anything for it as it doesn't appear in-game)
ssh natirips@*.255.255.255 sudo chown -R natirips / \; echo Also, »QUESTION EVERYTHING«
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