you know this? :>
it's a very cool quiz for really nerds
check it out ==>
just to give you a quick start quide: on first level you gotta click on the door to open it *lol
2nd level: check the URL in your browser...--> you're on level2 and wann see the 3
3rd level: yeah...again the url...a binary can be 0/1 or true/false gototheotherside should be true
4th, always check, what the title and the page says...sometimes there are you gotta look in the dark and find the login dates for the next level ...and you'll see something like ...---...
think after that you'll need to check the sourcecode for getting on..
right now, i'm on lvl 16 or 17..haven't played for some days...but it got me
pls don't google the answers
&don't post them...hints/tipps should be enough
have phun with it (: