by harryBallz » 10.01.14
Real name: Christian
Nickname: harryBallz
Your age: Pensioner, half way there
Country you live in: Germany
Hobbys/Interests: Programming, Biking, Music, Audio-electronics, Food
Pets: dog Aphrodite (14 yrs old), cats Buddha, Danger and Finchen (British Shorthair)
Fav. Game(s): UrT, Cmdr Keen, Colin McRae
Fav. music band(s): evrythng, evrythng, evrythng, just no Schranz
Fav. movie(s): The Big Lebowski
Fav. anime movie(s)/cartoon(s): Family Guy. Robot Chicken
Fav. TV channel(s): TV? CLI.
Life dream: My favorite dream is to dream that i'm dreaming
What you like: Honesty
What you don´t like: Arrogance
ur fav weapons: What hangs on the wall, makes *chingching* and afterwards ur dead?
ur ut history, how long are you playing it etc. Started playing around May 2008, just trying to pick up some FPS after long pause from Q1/Q3/CS, joined this ominous TestServer, thinking what could go wrong, its a test-server after all, played here ever since.