ah no its bans and kicks alltogether...
- Code: Select all
select count(*) from penalties where `type` = 'kick'
returns 28567. sometimes some admins hf kicking themselfes instead of rage quitting in a normal way.
- Code: Select all
select count(*) from penalties where `type` = 'tempban'
returns 17834. can be manual or B3 maden.
- Code: Select all
select count(*) from penalties where `type` = 'tempban' and `admin_id` = '0'
returns 6477. this means there was 11357 humanoid tempbans.
- Code: Select all
select count(*) from penalties where `type` = 'ban'
returns 286. its permanent bans meant with this. they are allways manual
So all in all we have 11643 bans since 10 july 2008. satisfied?