Next time someone tells you weed causes schizophrenia...

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Re: Next time someone tells you weed causes schizophrenia...

Postby Samtron » 11.11.10

wurst wrote:... the article now points on how that cells in substanzia nigra could have been damaged ...

Interesting! That's exactly one topic where I did some research during my internship abroad. The thing about Parkinson and Substantia Nigra is, that when the first symptoms appear, the most part of the Dopamine has gone and medical treatment can only help a bit to delay the disease. Perhaps in a few years we visit the doctor regularly for brain-check-ups, because with ultrasound and improved medical imaging* you can detect the loss of Dopamine and are able to react very early...

*I'm not a research doctor, I just coded some grayscale image stuff
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Re: Next time someone tells you weed causes schizophrenia...

Postby wurst » 11.12.10

yes, samtron points it out:
when some diseases are beeing noticed, its allready much too late.

through that, prevention and early diagnosis are modern topics.
it means to spend a little (money/pain/time etc) in order to save alot of that later.

however, humans and politicians tend to save these resources in times.
thats the real crap.

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

*I'm not a doctor at all, Im just a hobby- psychiatrist
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