not pr0n

Description lol

not pr0n

Postby bky » 04.13.09

you know this? :>

it's a very cool quiz for really nerds :-D
check it out ==>

just to give you a quick start quide: on first level you gotta click on the door to open it *lol :-D
2nd level: check the URL in your browser...--> you're on level2 and wann see the 3 ;)
3rd level: yeah...again the url...a binary can be 0/1 or true/false ;) gototheotherside should be true :-D
4th, always check, what the title and the page says...sometimes there are you gotta look in the dark and find the login dates for the next level ;) ...and you'll see something like ...---... :)

think after that you'll need to check the sourcecode for getting on..
right now, i'm on lvl 16 or 17..haven't played for some days...but it got me :-D

pls don't google the answers ;)
&don't post them...hints/tipps should be enough :)

have phun with it (:
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