From Romania with love

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From Romania with love

Postby LawR3n » 10.09.10

hello dudes, here is the thing.. my old nick or something was Stx6 and i was on a lunch break for like 6 months, when did get back from the trippy vacation i saw the maps Dust and Train.. told you that Dust 2 is more popular :P.

I am back in the game, and my Romanian virtual friends from UrT wanted to make a clan.. or something, a crew, hell i donno, so started a blog.. playing on Romanian server.. slaying children, stuff. And wanted improvement on "Romanian Servers", no luck there just tension and stupid arguments.. nobody plays on RO servers. So now i got the Team Romania ( national team ) with 6 members, but no server.. need help.

I was wandering maybe someone here ( !!peace!! ) could help me with a server.. maybe i buy one or something. I do not want to ask on the official because "they are watching", and do not want any more tension.

My english sucks, yes..
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Re: From Romania with love

Postby wurst » 10.09.10

u need a server with 6 slots?
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Re: From Romania with love

Postby LawR3n » 10.09.10

10 tops
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Re: From Romania with love

Postby Ana » 10.09.10

who is watching? 8-) whats going on?
Life is about the people you meet.
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