mischk0 - Aimbot / Autoshoot

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mischk0 - Aimbot / Autoshoot

Postby DrunkenBastard » 06.28.13


I know the demo is very short, but I think it got some solid moments :)

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Re: mischk0 - Aimbot / Autoshoot

Postby JRandomNoob » 06.29.13

Yeah, bot and namestealer. Most likely this guy (although “mischk0” isn’t recorded in Echelon, his other nicks match people shown in the demo).

Also, you can request admin help any time by typing !admin reason (!admin mischk0 aimbot) in chat. The request will be shown to any admins online; if there’s none, it will be sent to our IRC channel. (See the AnusWiki for things and stuff.)
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