MARLBORO - wh possible ab [permbanned]

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MARLBORO - wh possible ab [permbanned]

Postby draqon » 07.19.11

Well i think its enough
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Re: MARLBORO - wh possible ab

Postby Crusher » 07.19.11

Clear one.

The frag against me sounded fishy to me, so I came to spec, but I didn't find anything wrong with him. Another one that tried to be a smartass. Good catch draqon.
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Re: MARLBORO - wh possible ab

Postby draqon » 07.19.11

I actually recorded him before that moment for WH cause he kinda always waited me with bullets behind wall, and i have another one demo for WH, but then he used AB :)
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Re: MARLBORO - wh possible ab

Postby SKracht » 07.20.11

I catched him too and got a good demo.

banned for 1d. This one: Marlboro

btw. Humppa banned him on 12.05.2011 // 22:28 for aimbotting already
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Re: MARLBORO - wh possible ab

Postby Samtron » 07.21.11

Permbanned - Thanks for catching him, guys!
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