Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Everything bout the lamers, cheeters, contra productive social beahviours, discussions bout mothers etc...

Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby SteveMcqueen » 03.05.09

+SG+Cary .... typo or really +SG+Scary?

Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby LaM4 » 03.05.09

dmmh wrote:SG Scary? I was always wondering about him cheating!
nice catch!

SG Scarryman is a different person, im quite sure.

wurst wrote:F10 for nice short and clear demos.
aja btw: Plz help tracking by posting Playername in Topic Title...

No problem, I hate cheaters :////
almost as much as groundless accusations, in this case i think there's nothing to talk about, its obvious that that guy cheats.

In future I'll remember about putting nick in title, when ill see another one.
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Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby wurst » 03.06.09

if someone got some ip of that rly sg scarryman we could say wether hes (or most likely not...)
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Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby SteveMcqueen » 03.09.09

gibts net n connection log oder irgendsowas fuer mumble? weil da war er scho paarmal.... ^^

Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby wurst » 03.11.09

mumble? sure it logs to sql server, but no IPs there.
IPs should be written somewhere where unclefragger lives... (9.30)
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Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby Unclefragger » 03.11.09

jups hab das Log vom 31.01.09 bis heute, aber finde keinen Mort
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Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby SteveMcqueen » 03.11.09

dachte die rede war vom scarry
wobei man den evtl im irc unter #nwa.clan im quakenet finden kann

Re: Another cheater. --> -=GF=-Mort

Postby Unclefragger » 03.11.09

ahso ok von dem hab ich einige einträge ;)
findest ihn aber auch in #dswp wenn er on ist :P
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