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Postby pretender » 05.27.11

May 27, 19:56 28.05.2011 19:56 babyGHOUL Kampfschlampe Bitch.

Do u have anything to say for the kick Mr Kamp

Cos the kick was disrespectful.

U dont have any reason to kick me so it must be personal. Who ever it is behind that Nick... come clean soon .

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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby Kampfschlampe » 05.27.11

No personal problem.

In my opinion WH.
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby pretender » 05.27.11

Good u have my demo.
Now u will learn what is difference between wallhack and a guy who is good.

So cool iam honoured again.


This goes in my where i was ALMOST banned post... let me enlighten you.
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby pretender » 05.27.11

ghosh i had stopped recording my demos in this server cos i thought i was accepted here as a known player.

Rayne , madafakir, humppa and knightindia where are u guys :)
anyways 11.50 pm here will come back later.
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby Unclefragger » 05.27.11

Demo does not convince me one bit, not one action where I would think "huh there could be a wallhack involved"
Please note the times that back up your ban and find an admin to see it as well or I will lift the ban at some point tonight/tomorrow morning (since he said he's off now anyways), if an other admin also does not see any clue on cheat usage please lift the ban immediately.

Kampfschlampe: Please use fitting reasons for your bans, they are showed to the victim, all players on the server and further logged in our db ;)
Also if you suspect a wallhack, take a demo (can be a few mins w/e), remember (write down) the b3 id or any other way to identify the target in the future (the name won't work, guid bits *can* work, don't have to), then check the demo for proof with r_shownormals 1 and/or r_showtris 1, note the timers so when a discussion comes up you can say "but at 1:30 left into the game he clearly tracks through the walls!" or similar.
Wallhacks (or worse radars) are hard to spot in most cases, preshooting and stray nading can look suspicious ingame but if you watch the demo with one of the "see through wall" features given to us by the nice folks of ID Software are easy to differentiate from a real wallhack (e.g. in this very demo the nade was just thrown to a random location, no enemy in sight)

general note: please stop demos at the "gg screen" and start a new one next map, forwarding to a certain moment can be exhausting, if you have to load 2-3 maps it's just not worth the effort. (just crossed my mind, totally unrelated to the topic ;))
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby pretender » 05.27.11

Thanks UncleFragger.

cya guys
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby Samtron » 05.27.11

Uncle has said already everything.

The only suspicious scene is for me on 7:55, where he enters the room and shoots the enemy in the back. But when you watch the demo slowly you can explain that by sounds or by the arm of another enemy at the same place, which can be seen for a moment (8:02).

So I deactivated the temporary ban for now.

Kampfschlampe, please check also lamas-corner/scy-luky-t3577.html

:) :) Have fun, girls and guys!
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby pretender » 05.27.11

Samtron wrote:With headphones, enough UrT experience and knowledge of the map you can predict a lot of enemies without seeing them...

I am guilty of playing Urt for straight 3 years almost everyday.
Iam guilty of playing through headphones 5.1 ikalizer
I am guilty of playing some maps so much that i can swear its my backyard and i can name each stone :D

I am guilty of switching teams when they are unbalanced.'(switching to loosing team ofcourse xd)
I am also guilty of sometimes being too involved in particular round that i forget to alt tab and check out if teams are unbalacned(.01 % times)
I am guilty of joining loosing team 99.99% times
I am guilty of practicing headshots :lol:

I am guilty of playing FPS games from past 14 years.
I am guilty of being URT addict.


Admins feel free to switch me anytime to loosing team.
Feel free to friendly slap me
Feel free to kiss me xd
Feel free to be my friend.
Feel free to teach me .
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby Unclefragger » 05.27.11

You also got warned at least twice for spawnkilling ;)
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Re: Well personal problem or what?

Postby pretender » 05.27.11

i hate spawn killers and want them get banned.
I must have spawn killed since u have record of it.
But trust me never on purpose.
I apologize for those times and will never purposefully spawn kill and wont collect any warnings for it in future
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