GhostSoul wrote:OGNENUI banned cause 3h tk and make teams uneven
Duration: 3 days
Edit: Sorry my mistake, can be unbanned. I want only 3 hours, I'm sorry for wrong command!
Thanks for the info!
Just wanted to check if someone unbanned him/her,
just to see that Humppa banned him permanently 1 hour
after your tempban. Reason: "sick of this retard"
guess it's for continued team killling, Humppa
should really have been a bit more specific, even if
his emotions obscure his mind. :-)
Btw.: Instead of the !b command, you could consider
to always use the !tb command, because it allows
one to ban players for 1 week , which (if justified) is
good, because processing Lama's Corner often happens
with longer interruptions:
!tb <player> 1w <reason>