[HELP NEEDED] mumu banned [wh]

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[HELP NEEDED] mumu banned [wh]

Postby felixmole » 03.17.13

mumu banned cause wh

XLR ID: 323427
B3 ID: 371767

Ban Added: 2013-03-17 16:55:27
TempBan Expires: 2013-03-20 16:55:27

Duration: 3 days
Penalty ID: 1843849
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Re: [BANNED] mumu BY [Anatidaephobe] CAUSE [wh]

Postby felixmole » 03.17.13

After banning I saw that this was a rather long-term player so I may have been wrong.

Notes: the player was on follow-list, and I decided to spec them after a few suspicious attacks to me.

Demos (both have a few wh spots but they may be due to the player's habit to move slowly when approaching a corner):
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Re: [BANNED] mumu BY [Anatidaephobe] CAUSE [wh]

Postby TheAdi » 03.17.13

That guy sure felt like wh in game, but the demos are a bit short, only the last kill on me from riyadh is wallhacky, I watched it several times and there is no sound that justifies him aiming suddenly where I was going to pop-out. But still too short to tell for sure...
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Re: [BANNED] mumu BY [Anatidaephobe] CAUSE [wh]

Postby felixmole » 03.19.13

Did you also see it at the very beginning of the first demo? That was quite... strange.
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Re: [BANNED] mumu BY [Anatidaephobe] CAUSE [wh]

Postby Pirat » 04.07.13

Looks clean, including the beginning of the first demo.

But I'm not a WH expert.
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