yannis [aimbot]

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yannis [aimbot]

Postby Rayne » 07.05.11

I joined specs to watch this guy cause his kills seemed a bit too fast considering his positions.
I managed to record 3 kills that look odd. Then Chron joined specs and as soon as he came this guy takes cover behind the wall, stands there for few seconds and all of a sudden he can't hit a damn thing.
I think he was using an aimbot and then turned it off (possibly left autoshoot, hard to tell since his ping was going from 50 to 120).
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Re: yannis [aimbot]

Postby Samtron » 07.11.11

When I watched the beginning of the demo in slow-motion there could be some snaps, but the rest looks clean. Also reminded me a bit of wallhack, cause sometimes (but not always) he knew really good where an enemy could be... On the other hand he has some skills (no bad movement, knows the map), so I'm unsure for now. His ping looks unstable, this might explain some things.

Funny thing: At 5:30 the red player is thrown really high through the air by the nade explosion :D Looks funny and like in a bad action movie (or "A-Team" episode).
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