
Everything bout the lamers, cheeters, contra productive social beahviours, discussions bout mothers etc...


Postby ArschmitOhren » 01.12.11

in the last 30 mins there are/were 2 guys with aimbots on the server having fun killing us with headshots.
It was totally unplayable.

Could someon ip ban them and whats the problem to give the mods the right for an 1h ipban of such....


Is wirklich nicht witzig Mädels.^^
Hab jetzt echt keinen Bock mehr und muss somit ins Training. hf & gl
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Re: Aimbotters

Postby AimMe » 01.12.11

We're working on it...
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Re: Aimbotters

Postby wurst » 01.13.11

Hey wellcome here :)

As u can see we invented a lot activity according to cheatoing and such.
We use to make a demo cause we think its important to be fair.

For the case theres no admin around, call an admin by using "!admin player xxx cheats"
This will post your message in IRC channel (#dswp in quakenet), another way to get instant help.
However, in order to ban that cheater afterwards we would need a demo.
It would be very helpful if you pick out the cheaters stats page so were sure who were talking about.

If ure using Linux, theres a way to automate demo uploading.
Ask Pirat, he wrote it as a bash script, theres auto forums login and demo upping/description posting.

However, thx for the message, lass Dir nicht den Tag davon versauen...

Ah, ich hab das mal zu den Lamas verschoben...
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Re: Aimbotters

Postby ArschmitOhren » 01.13.11

I used the !admin command many times that day and the result came a bit late.

Thats not the problem because you have got better things to do than help whining Players all the time but it was not funny when the mods banned them and they just reconnected.

It's nice you want to be fair but even the mods saw the problem so there should be no question about an demo and if they have problems with being kicked, they can post in this forum.

This should be on of them:

Ratio:81 ^^

But the kills aren't listed.

I don't remember the other players name.
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Re: Aimbotters

Postby eXtr33m » 01.13.11

Ye to reveal the mystery Pirat was in spec so he got the message but unfortunately he was AFK :] but pls dont do anything to him he is innocent :D
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Re: Aimbotters

Postby AimMe » 01.13.11

Actually for some time norma, manhut, pirat and me were in spec, but there was nothing we could do. We kept kicking and banning, but they would just reconnect. I looked at irc but wursti wasn't there so i asked him on forum...
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