RPG - wallhack n maybe more

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RPG - wallhack n maybe more

Postby SteveMcqueen » 11.20.08

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Re: RPG - wallhack n maybe more

Postby DeepSurfer » 11.27.08

i dont think so for wallhack
player going to many times in enemy firelines when he know if there many enemys

i dont think so for AIMbot
player shoot intuitiv in the right lines and many bullets going fail at shoot to shoot sequences

my opinion, this player is clear

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Re: RPG - wallhack n maybe more

Postby SteveMcqueen » 12.09.08

get lost moronic bastards... :P

Re: RPG - wallhack n maybe more

Postby Unclefragger » 12.09.08

could be one, there are 3 times where he directly lock on the enemy behind the wall, one time he even shoots the wall right at the enemy.
The other 2 times could be good reflexes ... so there is a chance that he is clean (small one though)

he shows again, you don't have to be good just coz you use hacks :shock:
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Re: RPG - wallhack n maybe more

Postby SteveMcqueen » 12.09.08

ne der hat wirklich gehackt... hab den weng länger gespecct gehabt... fast drei maps lang.

und wie gesagt: auf die frage warum er hackt, hatter mir nur geantwortet, dasses eh alle tun...

Re: RPG - wallhack n maybe more

Postby Unclefragger » 12.09.08

na dann wech mit dem
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