New Maps for the mapcyclevote

like jump? feel bored with algiers?
just know a nice map and nobody wanna listen?
post it here!

Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby felixmole » 10.28.10

KnightINDIA wrote:sliema, metropolis, subterrra, railed and jerez for a change .... :D

Unsure about metropolis, because of the sentries, and for railed, which is too heavy...

I don't know jerez, and I support sliema and subterra, but subterra in the small cycle so as not to get everybody to get disconnected by the "reliable command".

What about ut4_village? Having it on small cycle would be great I think. If it gets in the big cycle it may turn into a spawnkill massacre.

+ maybe ut4_dville (small) or ut4_cambridge-fixed (both)
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby SKracht » 10.31.10

ut4_dville +1
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby chron » 06.27.11

I don't actually know most of the maps you've mentioned, but I'd love to play a few rounds on Blitzkrieg if possible.
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby Crusher » 07.02.11

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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby Samtron » 07.07.11

"NAM" by Horse-A-F. Looks like a vietnamese village, lots of houses and possibilities and is fun to play. Is at least middle sized, we could test if it fits the big cycle.
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby Unclefragger » 07.07.11

I know it from Bleilust ... please don't use it for the big cycle, 10v10 was too many already

also I don't like the map due to the strange clipping (map looks very open but is not, stupid uncles keep jumping against invisible walls)
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby Samtron » 07.07.11

Yes you are right, both things (it's too small for big cycle, and the invisible walls are very annoying). Nevertheless the map is beautiful and provides many possibilities.

We probably need really small maps (Varus mentioned it already somewhere), because Coconut and Abbey for example are too big for 4 players in the morning. So everybody leaves the TDM because it's boring and it takes hours until it gets full, although there are enough players willing to play on TDM.
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby natirips » 07.07.11

Japflat is quite small post29280.html#p29280 . I am willing to make some minor changes if the colors hurt your eyes.
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby Varus » 07.07.11

what about Laberinto? :) (for big cycle)
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Re: New Maps for the mapcyclevote

Postby SKracht » 07.07.11

I still love the Arena1-3 and Doom16, small and funny, lets add them for very small cycle =)
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