wurst wrote:miez!
Pirat wrote:havoc wrote:i think pirat left us for good
Nooooooooooooo! If I would, you would read in the news about it. ;-}
Sorry for my seeming procrastination, but I was (and to some extent, still am) quite
busy with my job and other things.
Will take care of it soon, promised!
Pirat wrote:Pirat wrote:[...]
Will take care of [the Urban Terror Map List] soon, promised!
"soon" = "NOW!"
Pirat, working on it right now.
Pirat wrote:Pirat wrote:Pirat wrote:[...]
Will take care of [the Urban Terror Map List] soon, promised!
"soon" = "NOW!"
Pirat, working on it right now.
Phew, first half of database design work done. When the second
half is done (certainly not today, I can't think anymore =),
I'll post my design proposal (including rationale 'n' shit |-).
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wurst wrote:["pre" works]
havoc wrote:ok then.
so.. post something?
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