Go 4 The Objective

Link a funny Youtube etc Vid...

Go 4 The Objective

Postby Samtron » 07.13.09

I found today on http://www.iourbanterror.de a nice and funny video, be sure to watch it with sound:

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)
It's available in HD high resolution, so better go on the youtube site and watch it in big size wide screen.
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby wurst » 07.13.09

hihi nice made!
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby wurst » 07.13.09

i just watched it again, nice!
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby Samtron » 07.14.09

Very good idea with the radio commands and the ingame music... Makes me want to edit a video, too :)
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby natirips » 07.14.09

wurst wrote:i just watched it again, nice!

Samtron wrote:Very good idea with the radio commands and the ingame music... Makes me want to edit a video, too :)

Ouhm get a life! Get a Urban Terror! :D
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby Crusher » 07.14.09

Very nice! Hihihi
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby wurst » 07.14.09

samtron# sudo make dswp vid
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby Unclefragger » 07.14.09

yups, nice one
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Re: Go 4 The Objective

Postby wurst » 07.14.09

oh i just looked it again, objective is in sight!
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