Scramble suit…

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Scramble suit…

Postby JRandomNoob » 10.17.11

…or Crazy shit you can do with your face using a webcam and a PC.

The videos (on Vimeo):
Scramble suit
Simple facemapping
The video that started it

/off to figure out a crime that would a) be possible to carry out in front of a webcam, and b) have witnesses to fool.
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Re: Scramble suit…

Postby natirips » 10.17.11

It looks worse than graphics in the original Half-life on lowest details.

It would still need a lot of work before you can do
JRandomNoob wrote: a crime that would a) be possible to carry out in front of a webcam
. :)

P.S.: What technology does vimeo use? Even though I recently installed the then-latest Adobe Flash I had to resort to clive because video simply wasn't there.
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Re: Scramble suit…

Postby JRandomNoob » 10.17.11

natirips wrote:What technology does vimeo use? Even though I recently installed the then-latest Adobe Flash I had to resort to clive because video simply wasn't there.
Ummm, you’re a Firefox user, right? Perhaps with Flashblock? I had the same trouble (had to fire up IE to watch vimeos :x ) before figuring out that I need to add the domain to Flashblock whitelist. (It also blocks Soundcloud & Bandcamp by default.)
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Re: Scramble suit…

Postby natirips » 10.17.11

But usually Flashblock shows that "Play" triangle where flash is blocked (I see them all over the place where Flash ads* are supposed to be).

*I personally have nothing against ads, I have something against having 100+ flash animations running when I open many tabs.
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