Tourette's Guy

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Tourette's Guy

Postby Raziel » 07.08.11

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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby natirips » 07.08.11

I didn't watch all the way, but was that supposed to be funny at some point or something?

Somebody please enlighten me.
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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby Ana » 07.13.11

Tourette is serious disease, nothing to lough about, nothing to make fun of.
Me too didnt get really the point of this video, but if it is making fun of Tourette disease, i would like to delete it. No fence Raziel, maybe i didnt get the point, but maybe u would like to see the reportage about real Tourette

Watch this vid @ Youtube (new Window)

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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby natirips » 07.14.11

Thanks for enlightenment, Ana.

Although now I see even less point in the video posted by Raziel (no offense, but I just don't get the point).
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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby eXtr33m » 07.15.11

Eh? i dont think that guy has anything to do with that disease..
Name's probably coincidence. :/
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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby wurst » 07.15.11

u can get thc oil from teh doc (which u eat from spoons like sirup)
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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby Raziel » 07.24.11

omg sorry guys, didn't knew that
i'm really not the person who makes fun about people who are constricted in whatsoever kind, quite the contrary. I only thought this guy wants to entertain people and his 'alias' is Tourettes Guy.
well stupid me, sorry for posting

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Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby SteveMcqueen » 07.25.11

laesst alles tief in die menschliche natur blicken, wenn man sich den spass genauer ansieht.

wobei mirs beim ersten so vorkommt, als ob das ganze als freibrief genommen wird.

Re: Tourette's Guy

Postby wurst » 07.25.11

Tod und Krankheit sind generell Entschuldigungen, psychische Krankheit erst seit kurzem (geschichtlich betrachtet).
Dazu kommt natürlich die schwierigen Beweissituation. Ob Menschen über Krank spielen bescheissen? Ja. Ich und viele Andere hier haben es getan, das fürchterliche Faulfieber...
Im Fall von Tourette ist zumindest der Gegenbeweis zum Faulfieber erbracht:
Der Profit ist marginal, der Schaden erheblich.
Der Kranke hat sowohl privat als auch beruflich größte Schwierigkeiten. Körperlich ist die Sache je nach Tics auch schädigend, praktisch immer kommen die Schläge der ahnungslosen dazu.

Death and disease are good excuses in general, psychic diseases just for a short time (from a historic pov).
Additionally, we have difficulties with the proove. Wether humans fake diseases in order to cheat? Yes. Me and many others here did it, the scary "fever of laziness"...
In the case of tourette we have at least the counter evidence for this laziness fever:
The provit is marginal, the damage is serious.
The sick person has hard problems, both, in private and the public/professional. Physically, depending on the tics, the thing does some damage, almost always we have the strikes of the clueless.
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