Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

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Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby Valakas » 08.08.10

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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby Crusher » 08.09.10

Thats powerful for something so small!
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby XTJ7 » 08.09.10

That's awesome. Love it! I want to build a remote controlled pirate ship with these guns on it now :D And then I'd go to some kinda RC meeting or whatever and sink all the other ships. Then I'll run off laughing.
<XTJ7> !penis
<CuntBot> XTJ7, your penis is 23.3 cm long. 8=========D
<XTJ7> !8ball do i rock?
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby dmmh » 08.09.10

cool, gotta have this to shoot at collegues @ the office :D
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby Valakas » 08.09.10

Not to be a party ruiner, but i think it might kill them :X
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby Unclefragger » 08.09.10

must have that!
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby dmmh » 08.10.10

Valakas wrote:Not to be a party ruiner, but i think it might kill them :X

that's the idea!
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby wurst » 08.13.10

if its too weak, u could preparate the balls with some strong drugs!
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Re: Mini Cannon Firing and Destroying Targets

Postby AimMe » 08.16.10

Nice thing! Remote control airplane with that would be better.
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