vooodooo monster evil rabbit

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vooodooo monster evil rabbit

Postby bky » 04.13.09

now that you guys are sleeping, i can post these pics of evil :-D

pls don't look @ pics, if you haven't got stong nerves and a sleep lika a stone :>

think it looks nice, he?

but wait...

it's a monster!!! :-D

ok, when i had took the pics, it played the little cute rabbit...maybe it wasn't hungry anymore :-D
but you gotta check out the eyes!!!! there's this "I'm gonna eat you and smoke your weed"-look in it :?

have to feed it this evening again and i'll try making a movie, when it try's to kill me again with his voodoo-eye-look & fire breathing :mrgreen:
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Re: vooodooo monster evil rabbit

Postby Unclefragger » 04.13.09

aarrrr Killer Rabbit :? :? :?
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Re: vooodooo monster evil rabbit

Postby SteveMcqueen » 04.13.09


Re: vooodooo monster evil rabbit

Postby HumppaLakki » 04.13.09

It looks so evil :x

Maybe, if you want to irritate the evil Monster killer Rabbit just show him pictures of my evil Monster killer Rat called lilith

And if that doesent work. Here is the Evil Monster Snake Hedeki :D

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Re: vooodooo monster evil rabbit

Postby wurst » 04.13.09

hey i have some cat here :)

here the beginning of a friendly cat, 1 jear ago...
silly_the cat1.jpg

bit later, for this foto i asked it to look the same funny way like when it play with rats and rabbits in the garden :)
silly_the cat2.jpg

some month later allready too serious and fat to be a sweety present.
silly_the cat3.jpg
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